The Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor head up our chief governing body, the Senate, and ensure ACU is governed in accordance with our constitution.
Understand how the university is governed, meet key personnel, and learn about our governing bodies including the Senate and Academic Board.
Visualise our structure
For a visual representation of the governance structure of ACU, download a copy of our governance chart.
Download our governance chart (PDF File, 92.2KB)
Our key decision-makers and governance bodies
Chancellor |
The Honourable Martin Daubney AM KC The Chancellor is the chair of the Senate, the governing authority of ACU. |
Pro-Chancellor |
Virginia Bourke The Pro-Chancellor sits on the Senate, acts as deputy to the Chancellor, and Chairs the Finance and Resources Committee. |
Vice-Chancellor and President |
Professor Zlatko Skrbis The Vice-Chancellor and President is the chief executive officer of ACU, represents the University both nationally and internationally, and provides strategic leadership and management. |
Corporation |
Australian Catholic University Limited is incorporated in Victoria as a public company. The object of the Corporation is to conduct the University as a Catholic University. |
Senate |
The Senate is the governing authority of the University. |
Academic Board |
The Academic Board is ACU's senior academic governance committee. Its principle responsibility is to maintain the highest standards in teaching, scholarship, and research, and to safeguard the academic freedom of the University. |
State Chapters |
ACU has State Chapters in Queensland, New South Wales, ACT and Victoria. These provide advice to the Senate on local needs and demands and serve as important links to community interests. |
Elections |
The Senate and Academic Board hold elections to fill a number of representative positions. |