At MMIHR, we emphasise the importance of translating research findings into practical health initiatives that produce real outcomes.

iMAP (International Mind, Activities and urban Places in Melbourne Study)

The iMAP study is investigating how our neighbourhood and places we regularly visit interact with lifestyle to impact brain health and psychological function in middle to late adulthood.

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Investigating AMPK energy sensing mechanisms underlying regulation of metabolism and exercise

This project seeks to understand the health promoting effects of exercise in people with type 2 diabetes by determining the interaction between circadian rhythms and the metabolic response to exercise and nutrition.

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The OsteoPreP study is a randomized controlled trial investigating interventions that can reduce or prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women. The study will look at how a probiotic supplement affects gut bacteria and impacts on bone and metabolic health in women.

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Other current projects

Completed projects

  • A time for food: The effects of time restricted feeding on glycaemic control and gut microbiome in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes
  • Epigenetic control and the circadian clock: turning back time on diabetes pathogenesis
  • iHEALTH (International Healthy Environments and Active Living in Teenages – Hong Kong)
  • Measurement and analysis of environmental noise in Melbourne
  • Moving Bright, Eating Smart: acceptability and feasibility of a diet and physical activity intervention to prevent reoccurance in colorectal cancer survivors – a phase 2 study
  • Predictive models for the spread of degeneration in the brain
  • RoWDI – Rolling Window Detection of Intrusions in fMRI data
  • The effect of intermittent fasting on integrated muscle synthesis rates in overweight, middle aged men
  • Understanding the role of the environment on children’s cognitive development
  • Urban spaces and active ageing: understanding person – environment interactions to inform activity- friendly community design

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