Units and costs for domestic students

Unit Title EFTSL Commenced Pre-2021 (CSP) Commenced from 2021(CSP) Full Fee-Paying
LCRD101 Introduction To Criminology 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRD104 Juvenile Justice 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRD105 Violent Crime And Society 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRD106 Introduction To Criminal Justice System And Policy 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM101 Introduction To Criminology 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM104 Juvenile Justice 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM105 Violent Crime And Society 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM106 Introduction To Criminal Justice System And Policy 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM201 Introduction To Forensic Psychology And The Law 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM202 Police Studies 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM203 Introduction To Forensic Science And The Law 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM204 Sentencing And Victims 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM205 Corrections Law And Practice 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM206 Victimology 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM207 Corrections And Rehabilitation Of Offenders 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM208 Green Criminology 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM209 Crime, Media & Popular Culture 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM212 Terrorism 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM213 International Criminal Law 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM301 Researching Criminology 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM302 Customs, Border Protection And Biosecurity 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM303 Criminology Research Project 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM304 Community Engagement 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM305 Cybercrime 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM312 Mental Disorder And Criminal Justice 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRM313 Restorative Justice 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRZ101 Introduction to Criminology 0.125 957 2040 2040
LCRZ105 Violent Crime And Society 0.125 957 2040 2040
LEGL101 Introduction To Business Law: Legal Frameworks For Businesses 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LEGL201 Company Law: Directors And Corporate Regulation 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LEGL300 Taxation Law 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LEGL601 Commercial And Corporations Law 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LEGL602 Taxation Law 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LEGZ101 Introduction To Business Law 0.125 0 0 2800
LHRD111 Human Rights And Indigenous People 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LHRG103 Legal Institutions And Human Rights 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LHRG106 Human Rights And Business Regulation 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LHRG111 Human Rights And Indigenous People 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LHRG203 Australian Human Rights Law And Policy 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LHRG207 Human Rights And Criminal Justice 0.125 1597 2040 2800
LHRG306 Human Rights Advocacy 0.125 957 2040 2040
LNTE100 Lantite - Literacy Test For Initial Teacher Education Students 0 0 0 0
LNTE101 Lantite - Numeracy Test For Initial Teacher Education Students 0 0 0 0
LNTE110 Literacy And Numeracy Diagnostic 0 0 0 0
MATH104 Differential And Integral Calculus 0.125 555 555 2040
MATH107 Introduction To Logic And Algebra 0.125 555 555 2040
MATH203 Calculus Of Several Variables 0.125 555 555 2040
MATH205 Geometry 0.125 555 555 2040
MATH219 Statistics And Probability 0.125 555 555 2040
MATH220 Linear Algebra 0.125 555 555 2040
MATH221 Applications Of Mathematics 0.125 555 555 2040
MATH223 History And Philosophy Of Mathematics 0.125 555 555 2040
MATH315 Analysis And Topology 0.125 555 555 2040
MATH316 Abstract Algebra And Equations 0.125 555 555 2040
MDGE100 Introduction To Midwifery And Care Of The Pregnant Woman 0.125 555 555 3300
MDGE101 Introduction To Midwifery Practice 0.125 555 555 3300
MEDA103 Introduction To Screen And Sound Production 0.125 957 2040 2040
MEDA220 Sound Production Studio 0.125 957 2040 2040
MEDA221 Screen Production 0.125 957 2040 2040
MEDA222 Studio Production 0.125 957 2040 2040
MEDA223 Screen Language 0.125 957 2040 2040
MEDA304 Media Audiences: Consumers, Creators, Citizens 0.125 957 2040 2040
MEDA305 Major Media Project 0.125 957 2040 2040
MGMT205 Evidence-Based Decision Making 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT209 Event Management: Planning A Successful Event 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT210 Entrepreneurial Mindset 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT211 Social Entrepreneurship 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT212 Global Comparative Management 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT213 Organisational Analysis 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT214 Leadership And Organisational Sustainability 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT215 Event Management: Design And Sustainability 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT304 Strategic Management 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT308 Project Management 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT309 Governance, Risk And Operations Management 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT310 Organisational Change For Sustainability 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT311 Managing Entrepreneurship And Innovation 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT314 New Product And Service Development 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT315 New Venture Planning 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT603 Market Environments And Opportunity Analysis 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT605 Strategic Management For Sustainability 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT621 Management Of Change 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT623 Systemic And Critical Thinking And Practice 0.125 1118 1118 2800
MGMT627 Project Management 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT638 Ethical Leadership 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT641 Organisational Dynamics And Behaviour 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT646 Governance In Not-For-Profit Organisations 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT647 Foundations Of Management Thought 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT656 Global Experience 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT657 Business Consulting Project 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MGMT658 Changing World Of Work 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MIDW111 Midwifery Professional Practice 1: Foundations In Midwifery Knowledge And Practice 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW113 Midwifery Care Of The Pregnant Woman 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW122 Midwifery Professional Practice 2 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW213 Midwifery Professional Practice 3 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW215 Perinatal Mental Health 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW216 Midwifery Care Of The Birthing Woman 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW217 Midwifery Care Of The Woman With Complex Needs 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW224 Midwifery Professional Practice 4 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW246 Midwifery Care Of The Postnatal Woman And Family 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW315 Midwifery Professional Practice 5 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW326 Midwifery Professional Practice 6 0.25 1110 1110 6600
MIDW335 Babies Needing Extra Care 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW350 The Profession Of Midwifery 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW351 Global Perspectives On Midwifery 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW353 The Inquiring Midwife 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW400 Honours Thesis (Part A) 0.125 555 555 3300
MIDW401 Honours Thesis (Part B) 0.5 2220 2220 13200
MIDW402 Honours Thesis P/T (Part C) 0.25 1110 1110 6600
MIDW403 Honours Thesis P/T (Part D) 0.25 1110 1110 6600
MKTD207 Marketing Toolkit 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG200 Marketing Research 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG201 Buyer Behaviour 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG202 Marketing Communications: Engaging Stakeholders 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG207 Marketing Toolkit 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG208 Services Marketing 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG209 Digital Marketing: The Connected Space 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG301 International Marketing: The Borderless World 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG313 Strategic Marketing And Planning 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG315 Marketing Analysis: Evidence-Based Decisions 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG318 Social Impact Of Marketing 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG319 Marketing Analytics 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG600 Managerial Marketing 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG601 Brand Management 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG602 International Marketing 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MKTG608 Services Marketing 0.125 1597 2040 2800
MPAB601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAB602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPAC601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAC602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPAD601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAD602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPAE601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAE602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPAF601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAF602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPAG601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAG602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPAH601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAH602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPAI601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAI602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPAJ601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAJ602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPAK601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPAK602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPHA601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1110 1110 2986
MPHA602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 555 555 1493
MPHB601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 3194 4080 2986
MPHB602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 1597 2040 1493
MPHC601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1914 4080 2986
MPHC602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 957 2040 1493
MPHD601 Master Of Philosophy Full-Time 0.25 1914 2236 2986
MPHD602 Master Of Philosophy Part-Time 0.125 957 1118 1493
MPHE601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1110 1110 2986
MPHE602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 555 555 1493
MPHF601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPHF602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPHG601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 1914 4080 2986
MPHG602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 957 2040 1493
MPHH601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1914 4080 2986
MPHH602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 957 2040 1493
MPHK601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPHK602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPHN601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1110 1110 2986
MPHN602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 555 555 1493
MPHO601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPHO602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPHP601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1914 4080 2986
MPHP602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 957 2040 1493
MPHQ601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPHQ602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MPHR601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1914 4080 2986
MPHR602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 957 2040 1493
MPHS601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1914 4080 2986
MPHS602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 957 2040 1493
MPHT601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1110 1110 2986
MPHT602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 555 555 1493
MPHU601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1914 2236 2986
MPHU602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 957 1118 1493
MPHV601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1914 2236 2986
MPHV602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 957 1118 1493
MPHW601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1110 1110 2986
MPHW602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 555 555 1493
MPHX601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1914 4080 2986
MPHX602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 957 2040 1493
MPHY601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Full-Time 0.25 1110 1110 2986
MPHY602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Part-Time 0.125 555 555 1493
MPHZ601 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Ft 0.25 2236 2236 2986
MPHZ602 Master Of Philosophy Thesis Pt 0.125 1118 1118 1493
MTHA601 Master Of Theology Thesis A Ft 0.25 1914 4080 2986
MTHA602 Master Of Theology Thesis A Pt 0.125 957 2040 1493
MTHB601 Master Of Theology Thesis B Ft 0.25 1914 4080 2986
MTHB602 Master Of Theology Thesis B Pt 0.125 957 2040 1493
MUSC161 Foundations Of Music Practice 0.125 957 1118 2040
MUSC162 Writing About Music: Legacies And Futures 0.125 957 1118 2040
MUSC202 Music In Australia 0.125 957 1118 3300
MUSC268 Song Writing And Arranging 0.125 957 1118 2040
MUSC269 Contemporary Harmony 0.125 957 1118 3300
MUSC280 Music, Culture And Diversity 0.125 957 1118 2040
MUSC281 Popular Music: Stage And Screen 0.125 957 1118 2040
MUSC284 Ensemble Direction And Performance 0.125 957 1118 2040
MUSC335 Composing Music 0.125 957 1118 2040
MUSC336 Researching Music 0.125 957 1118 2040

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