Unit | Title | EFTSL | Commenced Pre-2021 (CSP) | Commenced from 2021(CSP) | Full Fee-Paying |
HSEA010 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HSEA011 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HSEA012 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HSEA013 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HSEA020 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HSEA021 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HSEA022 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HSEA023 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HSEB010 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HSEB011 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HSEB012 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HSEB013 | Overseas Project | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HSEB020 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HSEB021 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HSEB022 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HSEB023 | Overseas Project | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HSOA010 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 3114 |
HSOA011 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 3114 |
HSOA012 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 3114 |
HSOA013 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 3114 |
HUMA114 | Scandals And Deception: Navigating Controversy | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA115 | Connect With Diversity: Who Am I And Who Are We? | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA116 | Imagining Place: Multimedia, Storytelling, Moving Images | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA250 | Ancient Greek History And Drama | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA253 | The Art Of France From Empire To Modernity | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 2794 |
HUMA319 | Rome Field School: Landscapes Past And Present | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA320 | Major Creative Project | 0.125 | 888 | 1037 | 1930 |
HUMA330 | Community Engagement: Placement | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA331 | Big Ideas: Social Enterprise And Innovation | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA332 | Arts And Humanities Special Project | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA402 | Introduction To Thesis Research And Design | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 1930 |
HUMA412 | Countercultures: Multidisciplinary Perspectives | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA415 | Honours Internship | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA420 | Honours Thesis A | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HUMA421 | Honours Thesis B | 0.25 | 1776 | 3784 | 3860 |
HUMA422 | Honours Thesis C | 0.375 | 2664 | 5676 | 5790 |
HUMA423 | Honours Thesis D | 0.375 | 2664 | 5676 | 5790 |
HUMA424 | Honours Thesis E | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA425 | Honours Thesis F | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
HUMA426 | Honours Thesis G | 0.125 | 888 | 1892 | 1930 |
ITAN101 | Introductory Italian | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 1930 |
ITAN102 | Elementary Italian A | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 1930 |
ITAN200 | Elementary Italian B | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 1930 |
ITAN201 | Intermediate Italian A | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 1930 |
ITAN202 | Intermediate Italian B | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 1930 |
ITAN204 | Living Italy: Italian Cultures In Context | 0.125 | 515 | 515 | 1930 |
ITEC100 | Information Technology In Action | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC101 | Computer Networks | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC102 | Python Fundamentals For Data Science | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC200 | Data And Information Management | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC201 | Fundamentals Of Information Technology | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC202 | Data Analytics And Visualisation | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC203 | Introduction To Data Science And Machine Learning | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC204 | Introduction To Cyber Security | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC205 | Game Fundamentals And Augmented Reality | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC217 | Programming Concepts | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC225 | Systems Analysis And Design | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC228 | Fundamentals Of Business Information Systems | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC300 | Data Visualisation | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC310 | Emerging Technologies Of Blockchain And Internet Of Things | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC311 | Network Security And Applications | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC312 | Information Technology Project Part A (Project Management) | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC313 | Advanced Programming Concepts | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC316 | Business Process Modelling | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC321 | Information Systems Strategy And Management | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC322 | Information Technology Project Part B (Software Engineering) | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC323 | Web And Mobile Application Development | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC324 | Business Analysis | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC325 | Applied Data Mining | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC326 | Information Systems Security | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC327 | Essentials Of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC328 | Developing Game-Simulated Environments | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC330 | Information Technology Capstone Project | 0.25 | 2074 | 2074 | 7000 |
ITEC610 | Introduction To Data Science With Python | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC611 | Computer Networks | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC613 | Machine Learning With Scikit-Learn | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC614 | Cyber Security Concepts | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC615 | Fundamentals Of Information Technology | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC616 | Systems Analysis And Design | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC617 | Modern Database Management | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC618 | Programming Concepts | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC622 | Data Analytics And Visualisation | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC623 | Deep Learning And Emerging Topics In Artificial Intelligence | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC624 | Network Security And Applications | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC625 | Information Technology Project Management | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC627 | Advanced Programming Concepts | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC628 | Business Process Modelling | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC630 | Information Technology Masters Project Part A (Project Management) | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC631 | Information Technology Masters Project Part B (Software Engineering) | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC632 | Applied Data Mining | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC633 | Information Technology Masters Project | 0.25 | 2074 | 2074 | 7000 |
ITEC635 | Information Systems Strategy And Management | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC636 | Enterprise Architecture | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC637 | Web And Mobile Application Development | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC638 | Business Analysis | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC640 | Information Systems Security | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITEC641 | Managing Emerging Digital Technologies | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITED100 | Information Technology Professional Skills And Practices | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITED102 | Python Fundamentals For Data Science | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITED200 | Data And Information Management | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITED201 | Fundamentals Of Information Technology | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITED204 | Introduction To Cyber Security | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
ITED217 | Programming Concepts | 0.125 | 1037 | 1037 | 3500 |
LAOA010 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAOA011 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAOA012 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAOA013 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAOB010 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAOB011 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAOB012 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAOB013 | Approved International Unit Of Study | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWP100 | Pro Bono / Legal Professional Experience 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LAWP200 | Pro Bono / Legal Professional Experience 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LAWP300 | Pro Bono / Legal Professional Experience 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
LAWS104 | Foundations Of Law And Legal Research | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS105 | Contract Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS106 | Criminal Law And Procedure | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS107 | Introduction To Australian Public Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS108 | Commercial Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS200 | Business Organisations | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS201 | Civil Procedure And Alternative Dispute Resolution | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS202 | Comparative Legal Systems | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS203 | False Or Misleading Conduct And Economic Torts | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS204 | Land Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS205 | Property | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS206 | Torts | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS207 | Contemporary Legal Issues | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS208 | Family Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS209 | Introduction To The Law And Legal System Of The United States | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS210 | Lawyers, Problem-Solving And Professional Identity | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 1930 |
LAWS211 | Psychology And The Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS212 | Employment Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS213 | Community Legal Engagement Pro Bono | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS301 | Competition Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS304 | Evidence | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS306 | Taxation Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS307 | Advanced Criminal Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS308 | Human Rights In Contemporary Australia | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS309 | Communications Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS310 | Discrimination And The Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS311 | Environmental Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS312 | International Study Tour | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS313 | Mooting And Advocacy | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS314 | Statutory Interpretation | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS315 | Welfare Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS400 | Canon Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS401 | Consumer Protection Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS402 | International Trade Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS403 | Legal Theory | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS404 | International Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS406 | Intellectual Property Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS407 | International Human Rights Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS408 | Alternative Dispute Resolution | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS409 | Law Of The European Union | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS410 | Banking And Finance Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS411 | The Phillip C Jessup Moot Seminar | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS412 | Migration Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS413 | Wills And Succession | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS414 | Advocacy | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS415 | Animal Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS416 | International Criminal Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS417 | Sports Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS418 | Administrative Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS419 | Constitutional Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS420 | Equity And Trusts | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS421 | Legal Ethics And Professional Responsibility | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS422 | Unfair Contracts And Business Conduct | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS450 | Legal Research And Methodology | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS451 | Honours Thesis | 0.375 | 4446 | 5676 | 10500 |
LAWS458 | Childrens Rights | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS459 | Law And Innovation | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS460 | Mental Health Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 3500 |
LAWS503 | Introduction To Australian Migration Law | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 2896 |
LAWS504 | Australian Visa System | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 2896 |
LAWS505 | Australian Visa System - Economic Migration | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 2896 |
LAWS506 | Advocacy And Review | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 2896 |
LAWS507 | Australian Visa System - Family Migration And Refugees | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 2896 |
LAWS508 | Australian Visa System Cancellations | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 2896 |
LAWS509 | Foundations Of Ethical Practice | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 2896 |
LAWS510 | Applied Migration Law And Case Management | 0.125 | 1482 | 1892 | 2896 |
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