
This project intends to develop comparative research into indigenous and settler experiences in Australasia and North America in order to discover new connections or distinctions between the two regions for both public and academic audiences. It aims to centre on a major and unique exhibition with the National Portrait Gallery and the Smithsonian Institution, through a focus on biography and life representation. Intended outcomes include new methodologies for examining the shared or different histories of complex indigenous-settler relations across "New World" sites; an enhanced international profile for the NPG as a centre of excellence in portrait curatorship; and high-impact public and educational programs centred around biography.

Project aims

There are five project aims:

  1. extend and publicise multi-disciplinary research into the comparative history of indigenous experiences of colonization in Australasia and North America via life-centred sources, investigating the various common and/or distinct indigenous practices of resistance, accommodation, or even indifference towards settlers;
  2. extend and publicise multi-disciplinary research into the comparative history of settler cultural practices in Australasia and North America via life-centred sources, investigating particularly the forging of common and/or distinct settler artistic modes and markets alongside dispossession;
  3. develop new methodologies for using portraiture as a window into past lives and, through them, into social, cultural, visual and public histories;
  4. forge greater links between art historical scholarship and socio-cultural historical scholarship, as well as between academic scholarship and art curatorship in Australia;
  5. foster the research bases (and international connections) of the National Portrait Gallery and three different universities by drawing together curators and scholars in the production of a broad suite of otherwise unreachable outputs, including an introductory public mini-exhibition, symposia, public talks, publications, workshops, educative e-resources, and one doctoral graduate.


  • Australian Research Council Linkage Project (LP160101439), $352,093.00



Research investigators

  • Professor Kate Fullagar, ACU
  • Associate Professor David Hansen, Australian National University
  • Professor Michael McDonnell, University of Sydney

Partner investigators

  • Ms Joanna Gilmour, National Portrait Gallery
  • The late Mr Angus Trumble, National Portrait Gallery

Research Status


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