Travelling to a foreign country to study can be a challenge. At ACU we aim to maximise your learning and development opportunities and eliminate stress and anxiety.

From extensive experience we have developed a number of academic and social support services to ensure that you are in the best position to achieve your goals at ACU.

Here are some of the services we offer:

Academic skills support

Each campus has an Academic Skills Unit with advisers who can help you to study successfully at university. They will help you to develop learning, writing, and language strategies.


Most Australian students living away from their families share apartments or houses with other students. The International Student Advisers at ACU can assist you to find accommodation suitable for your needs.

Airport pick-up

We will make sure someone is there to welcome you on your very first day in Australia.

See the Airport Reception page for further information.

Campus life

Campus life staff support the development of a rich and vibrant community at ACU. They help to organise special events, student support networks, mentoring programs and social activities.

Career development and employment service

Careers advisers are available on each campus of ACU to assist students with making career decisions, identifying personal career goals, developing employability skills, searching for employment and preparing employment applications.Individual appointments with Careers Advisers can be made. A variety of group workshops and web resources are also available to assist students to develop skills and knowledge enabling them to make informed career decisions and manage a successful transition from their university study into employment or into post-graduate study.


Qualified counsellors are available at each campus to offer free, confidential advice. The counselling service provides practical advice on study, finance and university procedures. Where necessary, they can also help with stress management, grief, depression and relationship difficulties.

Disability services

Each campus has a disability adviser who assists students who have educational needs arising from a disability or long term medical condition. This service is free. Students are encouraged to contact the disability adviser as soon as possible, preferably before arrival in Australia, as it can take time to arrange any necessary educational adjustments.

English language programs

English language courses are offered in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Our programs can help you to reach the English proficiency requirements for entry to the University.

International orientation

International students receive a comprehensive orientation program to familiarise them with university procedures, Australian study methods and social customs and culture. Campus tours and "welcome events" are also part of the international student induction.

International student advisers

International Student Advisers are people you can go to when you don’t know who to ask. They can assist you with general international student enquiries, accommodation advice, general student visa information, pre-departure and orientation information and what’s happening on your campus.

Campus ministry

Campus ministers facilitate a range of activities including:

  • Opportunities for prayer, reflection and retreats
  • Leadership formation
  • 'Exploring the Mission of ACU' workshops
  • Pastoral care
  • Opportunities to be involved in social justice and community engagement
  • A weekly Eucharist celebration.

Associations, clubs and societies

Every ACU campus provides basic student recreational facilities such as common rooms and outdoor sporting and passive leisure areas. Student Associations on each campus promote the welfare of students and encourage broad participation in university life.

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