Unit rationale, description and aim
Thinking deeply about what it is to be a human being is itself a distinctively human activity, and is a major focus of the discipline of philosophy. This unit introduces students to a wide range of topics in this field, as they examine key concepts, theories and debates concerning a range of matters. These include issues such as the nature of mind and its relation to the body; the basis of personal identity and the ‘self’; the relationship between rationality and emotion; the meaning and extent of personal freedom; the inter-personal nature of being human; the significance of gender & sexuality; considerations about the meaning of life; and the implications of human finitude and mortality. The unit aims to assist students to develop an understanding of key philosophical concepts and theories that allow them to reflect on their beliefs and assumptions, and to engage with the views of others. It also looks to enhance students’ skills in critical reflection on experience, the analysis of arguments, and the formulation and communication of coherent positions of their own.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Describe some central philosophical problems conce...
Learning Outcome 01
Analyse key debates in philosophical anthropology,...
Learning Outcome 02
Demonstrate beginning skills in philosophical rese...
Learning Outcome 03
Communicate ideas and arguments effectively throug...
Learning Outcome 04
- Theories of mind, body and soul;
- Understandings of personal identity and the ‘self’;
- The social nature of being human, and the common good;
- The meaning and extent of personal freedom;
- The relationship between reason, emotion and knowledge;
- The meaning of gender and sexuality
- The human quest for meaning, value, and fulfilment;
- The implications of human finitude & mortality.
Assessment strategy and rationale
The assessment strategy for this introductory unit in philosophy is designed to facilitate broad engagement with what for many students will be a new field of study, while also making possible deeper engagement with one of the unit topics.
The first structured written task serves to examine and consolidate understanding of the selected major philosophical problems under investigation (LO1), and to build skills needed for effective communication in a philosophical context (LO4). Accordingly, students are required to describe the problem/s as such, making appropriate use of the key relevant terminology.
Including but extending beyond understanding of the philosophical problem itself (LO1), the second structured written task is designed to allow students to demonstrate achievements in the analysis of issues arising from the problem under consideration, and key debates about how best to respond to these issues. This task also examines the development of a reasoned response and coherent position on the students' part (LO2). Further, they examine and facilitate nascent skills in accessing suitable philosophical resources (LO3) and the presentation of arguments in dialogue with others (LO4).
In Task 3, students reflect on their range of learning across the unit, and apply key insights to contemporary contexts. Task 3 enables students to display achievement of all three learning outcomes.
Overview of assessments
Semester attendance mode:
Structured written task (Requires students to de...
Structured written task
(Requires students to demonstrate an understanding of key aspects of the problem being considered and major relevant associated terms)
Structured written task two (Requires students to...
Structured written task two
(Requires students to develop an argumentative position on a topic discussed in class)
Task 3: Reflection and application examination In...
Task 3: Reflection and application examination
Invigilated examination with questions which require students to reflect on the key themes of the unit and apply insights to specific contemporary contexts.
Intensive mode:
Structured written task (Requires students to dem...
Structured written task
(Requires students to demonstrate an understanding of key aspects of the problem being considered and major relevant associated terms)
Structured written task two (Requires students t...
Structured written task two
(Requires students to develop an argumentative position on a topic discussed in class)
Research Essay (Requires students to analyse an i...
Research Essay
(Requires students to analyse an important philosophical issue, and argue for a coherent position)
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This unit involves 150 hours of focused learning, and will be offered in a range of delivery modes.
The unit employs a project-based learning approach, combined with some direct instruction to ensure that unfamiliar concepts and theories are understood. The direct instruction, combined with class discussion, are important to ensure that the central philosophical problems explored in the unit are clearly identified for and with students, without which the concepts, theories, and debates will make little sense (LO1). The project-based aspect relates to the first two structured written tasks, culminating in the final research essay. The first two structured written tasks pave the way for students to develop the requisite analytical skills for addressing a philosophical topic in some depth (LO1 and LO2). The research project enables students to further develop their own reasoned response or position on these matters (LO2). The research project also facilitates the development of students' nascent skills in philosophical research, including the location and use of library resources (LO3) and the strengthening of their skills in producing coherent, well-structured and purposeful written and oral English expression (LO4).