Request Server from SC-10


Credit points


Minimum duration

4 years full-time or equivalent part-time.

Approved locations

  • Brisbane
  • Melbourne
  • North Sydney
  • Strathfield


Students in Sydney are required to complete units at North Sydney and Strathfield campuses. Enrolment is via North Sydney campus. Students will not be required to travel between campuses on the same day.

EFTSL value of units : All 10 cp units in this course have an EFTSL value of 0.125. Units with a cp value of a multiple of 10 have corresponding EFTSL values.

Admission requirements

An applicant must comply with the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy that includes meeting a minimum ATAR requirement.

International applicants need to meet the English Language Proficiency requirements as defined in the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy.

To be eligible for admission to the course, an applicant must have completed the following prerequisites at year 12 level, or equivalent:


New South Wales

Assumed Knowledge: 2 units of English (any) (Band 3)


Prerequisites: English (Units 3 & 4, C)


Prerequisites: Units 3 and 4 – a study score of at least 25 in English (EAL) or 20 in any other English.

Disclaimer :The Course entry requirements above are for 2021 Admission. Refer to your relevant Tertiary Admission Centre website for future years' entry requirements.

Completion requirements

To qualify for the degrees, a student must complete 320 cp consisting of:

  1. 180 cp selected in accordance with the requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce, consisting of:
  2. 60 cp from Specified Business Units (Part A);
  3. 80 cp from one Major[1] in Accounting, Human Resource Management or Marketing, Finance, Management, and Event Management (Part B);
  4. 40 cp from one Minor (Part C); OR

40 cp Electives from the Schedule of Unit Offerings in School of Business, or units from other disciplines (subject to campus availability, unit limitation and provided that prerequisite requirements are met.) (Part D)

b. 120 cp from the Schedule of Unit Offerings, consisting of;

  1. 30 cp of Global Studies Specified Units (Part E)
  2. 10 cp of units from Global Studies List A (Part F);
  3. 10 cp of units from Global Studies List B (Part G);
  4. 10 cp of units from Global Studies List C (Part H);
  5. 40 cp from Global Study Abroad (with at least 30 cp normally at advanced level) (Part I); OR Global Studies International Internship
  6. 20 cp from Global Studies Electives[2] (Part J);

c. 20 cp from the Core Curriculum Units (Part K).

Progression requirements

Students normally complete 100- level units before undertaking related 200-level units, and 200-level units before undertaking related 300-level units.

Part A : Specified Business Units

Complete exactly 60 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
ACCT100Introduction to Accounting10Business Foundation Unit
BUSN104Money Matters10Business Foundation Units
CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
BIPX202Community Engagement: Building Strengths and Capabilities10
BUSN111Working with Technology10Business Foundation Units
BUSN112Managing Markets10Business Foundation Units
BUSN113Managing People and Organisations10Business Foundation Units
CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
BUSN304Working with Diversity and Conflict10
BIPX301Professional Experience10

Part B : Major

Complete exactly 80 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
ACCTAccounting80Students undertaking an Accounting major must take ECON102 Microeconomics 1 as one of their Global Studies electives.
HRMGHuman Resource Management80
EVMGEvent Management80

Students undertaking an Accounting major must take ECON102 Microeconomics 1 as one of their Global Studies electives.

Part C : Minor

Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
DATAData Analytics40
EVMGEvent Management40
HRMGHuman Resource Management40
INDBIndigenous Business Studies40
INBUInternational Business40
OHSEOccupational Health, Safety and Environment40

Part D : Electives from the Schedule of Unit Offerings in School of Business, or units from other disciplines

Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
LAWS108Commercial Law10
LAWS106Criminal Law and Procedure10
LAWS105Contract Law10
BUSN113Managing People and Organisations10
BUSN112Managing Markets10
BUSN111Working with Technology10
BUSN104Money Matters10
LAWS107Introduction to Australian Public Law10
LEGL101Introduction to Business Law: Legal Frameworks for Businesses10
LAWP100Pro Bono / Legal Professional Experience 10
LAWS104Foundations of Law and Legal Research10
ACCT100Introduction to Accounting10
ACOM105English Language Communication Skills10
BAFN204Portfolio Management: Investing Wisely10
MKTG209Digital Marketing: The Connected Space10
MKTG207Marketing Toolkit10
MKTG202Marketing Communications: Engaging Stakeholders10
MKTG201Buyer Behaviour10
LAWS213Community Legal Engagement Pro Bono10
LAWS208Family Law10
LAWS203False or Misleading Conduct and Economic Torts10
LAWS202Comparative Legal Systems10
LAWS200Business Organisations10
ITEC202Data Analytics and Visualisation10
HRMG201Strategic Human Resource Development10
HRMG200Applied Human Resource Management10
ENTR202Social Entrepreneurship10
ENTR201Entrepreneurial Mindset10
EMGT202Event Management: Design and Sustainability10
EMGT201Event Management: Planning a Successful Event10
BAFN203Financial Planning10
BIPX202Community Engagement: Building Strengths and Capabilities10
BAFN200Principles of Finance10
BAFN205Financial Instruments and Institutions10
ECON200Economics: Policy Frameworks and Markets10
LAWS207Contemporary Legal Issues10
LAWS209Introduction to the Law and Legal System of the United States10
ITEC225Systems Analysis and Design10
HRMG213Sustainable Staffing and Remuneration10
LAWS211Psychology and the Law10
ITEC217Programming Concepts10
LAWP200Pro Bono / Legal Professional Experience 20
HRMG204Organisational Behaviour10
MGMT213Organisational Analysis10
BAFN206New Venture Finance10
MGMT214Leadership and Organisational Sustainability10
LAWS210Lawyers, Problem-Solving and Professional Identity10
LAWS204Land Law10
OHSE201Introduction to OHS10
BUSN201International Business10
OHSE222Influencing Ohse Performance10
MGMT212Global Comparative Management10
ITEC201Fundamentals of Information Technology10
ITEC228Fundamentals of Business Information Systems10
MGMT205Evidence-Based Decision Making10
LAWS212Employment Law10
ITEC200Data and Information Management10
LEGL201Company Law: Directors and Corporate Regulation10
LAWS201Civil Procedure and Alternative Dispute Resolution10
STAT207Business Data Analysis10
ACCT204Management Accounting10
ACCT207Financial Accounting10
ACCT209Corporate Accounting10
MKTG318Social Impact of Marketing10
MKTG315Marketing Analysis: Evidence-Based Decisions10
MKTG314Managing Products and Brands in the Competitive Marketplace10
MKTG313Strategic Marketing and Planning10
MKTG301International Marketing: The Borderless World10
LAWS308Human Rights in Contemporary Australia10
LAWS301Competition Law10
ITEC313Advanced Programming Concepts10
ENTR303Strategic New Venture Planning10
ENTR302Product Creation in Start Ups10
ENTR301Managing Entrepreneurship and Innovation10
EMGT301Event Management: Economic Social and Environmental Impacts10
BUSN306Field Experience10
BUSN304Working with Diversity and Conflict10
BUSN302International Trade10
BIPX301Professional Experience10
BAFN307Financial Risk Management10
BAFN306Entrepreneurial Finance10
OHSE312Worker Health and Wellbeing10
LAWS315Welfare Law10
LEGL300Taxation Law10
LAWS306Taxation Law10
HRMG305Sustainable Human Resource Management and Stakeholders10
MGMT304Strategic Management10
HRMG308Strategic HRM: Metrics and Analytics10
LAWS314Statutory Interpretation10
MGMT308Project Management10
BIPX302Professional Experience C10
OHSE321Physical Hazards in the Occupational Environment10
MGMT310Organisational Change for Sustainability10
OHSE341Occupational Health Safety and Environment Performance Measurement10
LAWS313Mooting and Advocacy10
MGMT305Management and Leadership10
OHSE331Introduction to Occupational Health Safety and Environmental Law10
LAWS312International Study Tour10
ITEC322Information Technology Project Part B (Software Engineering)10
ITEC312Information Technology Project Part A (Project Management)10
ITEC321Information Systems Strategy and Management10
ITEC326Information Systems Security10
OHSE313Hazard and Incident Management10
MGMT309Governance Risk and Operations Management10
HRMG310Global Human Resource Management and Sustainability10
LAWS311Environmental Law10
HRMG302Employment Relations and Legal Frameworks10
LAWS310Discrimination and the Law10
ITEC300Data Visualisation10
LAWS309Communications Law10
ITEC316Business Process Modelling10
ITEC324Business Analysis10
LEGL309Australian Financial Markets and Services Law10
LAWS307Advanced Criminal Law10
ITEC323Web and Mobile Application Development10
ACCT303Strategic Management Accounting10
ACCT305Accounting Information Systems10

(subject to campus availability, unit limitation and provided that prerequisite requirements are met.)

Part E : Global Studies Specified Units

Complete exactly 30 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
HIST115Global History: Six Degrees of Separation10
POLS104Introduction to International Relations10
GLST305Global Studies Research Project10

Part F : Global Studies List A

Complete exactly 10 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
DVST200Refugees and Forced Migration10
GEOG207Precarious States: Development, Geopolitics and Livelihoods10
HIST251Human Rights in History10
PHIL202Justice, Authority and Human Rights10
POLS213Security, Terrorism and Human Rights10

Part G : Global Studies List B

Complete exactly 10 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
GEOG204Environmental Sustainability: the Global Challenge10
HIST267Diasporas and Journeys: Migration in World History10
POLS219Post-Colonial and Non-Western Politics10
SOCS243Global Health10
SOCS201Social Justice and the New Economy10

Part H : Global Studies List C

Complete exactly 10 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
DVST303Development Advocacy10
POLS309World Politics and Justice10
SOCS302People Count: Researching Globally with Quantitative Methods10

Part I : Global Study Abroad or Global Studies International Internship (40 cp)


Part I.1 : Global Study International Internship

Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
GLST300Global Study International Internship40

* At the discretion of the National Head of the School of Arts, a student who can demonstrate exceptional and ongoing personal circumstances beyond their control (eg. chronic illness) that prevent them from travelling overseas may be allowed to substitute study abroad or the international internship with GLST306 Global Studies Special Project. Where an ongoing risk applies to more than one student, eg (travel advisory bans; health pandemic etc) GLST306 may also be offered at the discretion of the National Head of School Arts).

Part I.2 : Global Study Abroad

Complete exactly 40 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
GLST301Global Study Abroad A10
GLST302Global Study Abroad B10
GLST303Global Study Abroad C10
GLST304Global Study Abroad D10

Part J : Global Studies Electives

Complete exactly 20 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
ECON204Development Economics10Global Economics Units
ECON209Global Economy10Global Economics Units
DVST100Introduction to International Development Studies10International Development Studies
DVST101Humanitarian Work and Aid10International Development Studies
DVST200Refugees and Forced Migration10International Development Studies
DVST204Project Management for Development10International Development Studies
DVST205Peace and Conflict10International Development Studies
DVST303Development Advocacy10International Development Studies
HIST251Human Rights in History10Race, Rights and Ethics Units
HIST327Settler Colonies in Indigenous Lands10Race, Rights and Ethics Units
PHIL202Justice, Authority and Human Rights10Race, Rights and Ethics Units
SOCS209Race and Ethnicity: Australian and Global Perspectives10Race, Rights and Ethics Units
GEOG207Precarious States: Development, Geopolitics and Livelihoods10International Units - Asia
HIST261The Rise of Asia in the Modern World10International Units - Asia
POLS211The Dragon Awakens: China and the New World10International Units - Asia
THSR200Introducing Asian Religions10International Units - Asia
ENGL232Irish Literature10International Units -Europe and Britain
HIST208Fascism10International Units -Europe and Britain
HIST209Revolutionary Europe 1789-191710International Units -Europe and Britain
HIST215Europe Divided and United 1945-Present10International Units -Europe and Britain
HIST260Keep Calm and Carry on British History Since 190110International Units -Europe and Britain
POLS201Middle Eastern Politics10International Units - Middle East
ENGL204American Writing10International Units - The Americas
HIST225Us Foreign Policy Since 194510International Units - The Americas
HIST229Rebels and Revolutions in Latin America10International Units - The Americas
HIST263The Making of Modern America, 1865 to 194510International Units - The Americas
HIST264From Truman to Trump the Us Since 194510International Units - The Americas
POLS203American Politics and Culture10International Units - The Americas
HIST214Immigrants and Refugees in Australian History10Global Migration Units
HIST267Diasporas and Journeys: Migration in World History10Global Migration Units
HIST256War and Peace10War, Peace and Security Units
POLS213Security, Terrorism and Human Rights10War, Peace and Security Units
BIOL129Foundations of Ecology10
COMM222Communication in a Global Society10
ENGL111Literature Across Time and Space10
ENGL333Global Literary Cultures10
ENVR102Earth Science10
GEOG204Environmental Sustainability: the Global Challenge10
GEOG206Climate Change: Past, Present and Future10
GEOG306Extreme Earth: Natural Hazards, Risk and Vulnerability10
HIST342A History of the Present10
HUMA252Art, Politics and Society in Renaissance and Baroque Rome10
HUMA317History and Geography of Rome10
ITAN101Introductory Italian10
MUSC280Music, Culture and Diversity10
PHIL107Philosophy of World Religions10
POLS105Introduction to Human Rights10
POLS214The Nature of Democracy10
POLS216Populism in the 21st Century: From Brexit to Trump and Beyond10
POLS218Authoritarianism in the 21st Century10
SOCS201Social Justice and the New Economy10
SOCS202Culture: Rights, Representation, Resistance10
SOCS206Globalisation, Religion and Modernity10
SOCS207Meaning of Life: Researching Qualitatively10
SOCS226Global Youth Cultures10
SOCS243Global Health10
SOCS302People Count: Researching Globally with Quantitative Methods10
SPAN101Introductory Spanish10
THSR205Introducing Judaism and Islam10

A unit cannot be double counted or fulfil two different roles within the Arts-Global Studies double degree. For example, a Global Studies elective unit cannot also be counted towards a student’s Arts Major or Minor.

A student undertaking an Accounting major must undertake BAFN200 Principles of Finance instead of ECON200 Business Economics.

Students may also choose electives from the following units (subject to availability and prerequisites):

Part K : Core Curriculum Units

Complete exactly 20 credit points from the following:

CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
UNCC100Self and Community: Exploring the Anatomy of Modern Society10
PHCC102Being Human10
PHCC104Ethics and the Good Life10
CodeTitleCredit PointsNotes
UNCC300Justice and Change in a Global World10
PHCC320The Just Society10

  1. Students undertaking an Accounting major must take ECON102 Microeconomics 1 as one of their Global Studies electives.
  2. A student undertaking an Accounting major must undertake BAFN200 Principles of Finance instead of ECON200 Business Economics.

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