Richmond, G., & McArthur, M. (2017). Foster and kinship carer recruitment and retention: Encouraging and sustaining quality care to improve outcomes for children in care. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Roche, S., & Noble-Carr, D. (2017). Agency and its Constraints among Biological Children of Foster Carers. Australian Social Work, 70(1), 66-77.
Saunders, V. (2017). Children of prisoners - children's decision-making about contact. Child & Family Social Work, 22(S2), 63-72.
Taplin, S. (2017). Prenatal reporting to child protection: Characteristics and service responses in one Australian jurisdiction. Child Abuse & Neglect, 65, 68-76.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., Barry, E. (2017). Recruiting and Retaining Foster Carers. Research to Practice Series, Issue 16. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Barker, J. (2016). Homelessness and the role of the family. In A. Furlong (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Youth and Young Adulthood. New York: Routledge.
Bullen, T., Taplin, S., McArthur, M., Humphreys, C. Kertesz, M. (2016). Interventions to improve supervised contact visits between children in out of home care and their parents: A systematic review. Child and Family Social Work.
McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2016). What do we know about the social networks of single parents who do not use supportive services? Child and Family Social Work.
Saunders, V., McArthur, M., Roche, S., & Barry, E. (2016). Supporting refugee families in Australia. Research to Practice Series: Issue 15. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University.
Barker, J., Thomson, L., & Barry, E. (2015). The Importance of a 'Human Connection': Helpful relationships with service users and linking social capital. Research to Practice Series, Issue 9. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Bullen, T., Taplin, S., & Barry, E. (2015). Supporting quality contact visits for children in out-of-home care. Research to Practice Series, Issue 10. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Bullen, T., Taplin, S., Kertesz, M., Humphreys, C & McArthur, M. (2015). Literature review on supervised contact between children in out-of-home care and their parents. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Noble-Carr, D., Farnham, J., Dean, C., & Barry, E. (2015). Needs and Experiences of Biological Children of Foster Carers. Research to Practice Series, Issue 8, January. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Taplin, S. (2015, 17 April). Adoption has a role in child protection, but it's no panacea [Opinion Article]. The Conversation.
Taplin, S., Bullen, T., McArthur, M., Humphreys, C., Kertesz, M., & Dobbins, T. (2015). kContact, an enhanced intervention for contact between children in out-of-home care and their parents: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 15, 1134.
Taplin, S., Richmond, G., McArthur, M. (2015). Identifying alcohol and other drug use during pregnancy: Outcomes for women, their partners and their children (PDF, 645KB). Canberra: Australian National Council on Drugs.
Barker, J., & Morrison, T. (2014). Supporting fathers who are homeless. Research to Practice Series, Issue 5, March. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Henriksson, C. (2014). Without him, I am not me: Siblings as co-writers of life stories. In I. Ljungqvist & P. Gerrevall (Eds.), Livet ar en berattelse: Vanbok till Hakan Jenner. Linnaeus University Press: Vaxjo.
McArthur, M., & Faragher, R. (2014). Children in Families with Complex Needs. International Public Health Journal, 6(2), 199-211.
McArthur, M., & Faragher, R. (2014). Worries about children in families with complex needs. In R.L. Brown & R. Faragher (Eds.), Quality of Life and Intellectual Disability: Knowledge Application to other Social and Educational Challenges. Nova Publishers Australia.
Noble-Carr, D., Barker, J., McArthur, M., & Woodman, E. (2014). Improving practice: The importance of connections in establishing positive identity and meaning in the lives of vulnerable young people. Children and Youth Services Review, 47(3), 389-396.
Noble-Carr, D., Farnham, J., & Dean, C. (2014). Needs and Experiences of Biological Children of Foster Carers: A Scoping Study. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Barker, J., Kolar, V., Mallett, S., & McArthur, M. (2013). What works for children experiencing homelessness and/or family/domestic violence? Part 1: Literature Synthesis. Melbourne: Hanover Welfare Services.
Kolar, V., Barker, J., Mallett, S., McArthur, M., & Nette, A. (2013). What works for children experiencing homelessness and/or family/domestic violence? An Abridged Report. Melbourne: Hanover Welfare Services.
McArthur, M., & Barry, E. (2013). Younger Mothers: Stigma and Support. Research to Practice Series, Issue 3, September. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., Thomson, L., & Winkworth, G. (2013). Jumping through hoops - the cost of compliance on sole parents. Child & Family Social Work, 18(2), 159-167.
Saunders, V., & McArthur, M. (2013). Children of Prisoners: Exploring the needs of children and young people who have a parent incarcerated in the ACT. Canberra: SHINE for Kids.
Williams, E., & Tomison, A. (2013). Monitoring and evaluating community-based interventions for children and families in the Asia-Pacific region. In R. Srivastava, R. Seth, J. Van Niekerk (Eds.), Child abuse and neglect: challenges and opportunities, 159-72. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers: New Delhi.
Barker, J. (2012). Social capital, homeless young people and the family. Journal of Youth Studies, 15(6), 730-743.
Butler, K., McArthur, M., Thomson, L., & Winkworth, G. (2012). Vulnerable Families' Use of Services: Getting What They Need. Australian Social Work, 65(4), 575-581.
McArthur, M., & Barry, E. (2012, 17 October). Taking the big stick to single parents is not the answer [Opinion Article]. The Conversation.
Barker, J., Kolar, V., Mallett, S., McArthur, M., Saunders, V. (2011). More Than Just Me: Supporting Fathers who are Homeless. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., & Thomson, L. (2011). Families' views on a coordinated family support service. Family Matters, 89.
McArthur, M., Thomson, L., Woodward, M., Barker, J., Layton, M., & Winkworth, G. (2011). Evaluation of the Supporting Children After Separation Program and the Post Separation Cooperative Parenting Program. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Butler, K., McArthur, M., Winkworth, G., Thomson, B., & Crowe, R. (2010). Experiences and Aspirations of Younger Mothers. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M. (2010). Child Abuse and Neglect and their underlying causes require multiple lenses with which to fully understand them. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 5(2), 3-5.
McArthur, M., Butler, K., Grealy, C., & Olver, K. (2010). Supported Playgroups and Parent Groups (SPPI) Outcomes Evaluation. Urbis Social Policy Team. Victoria: Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
McArthur, M., Winkworth, G. (2010). Step by Step: Working Together to Increase the Safety and Life Chances of Children Whose Parents Misuse Substances. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 5(1), 46-59.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., Butler, K., & Thomson, B. (2010). Integrated Family Support Project Outcome Evaluation. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., McArthur, M., Layton, M., Thomson, L., & Wilson, F. (2010). Opportunities Lost - Why Some Parents of Young Children Are Not Well-Connected to the Service Systems Designed to Assist Them. Australian Social Work, 63(4).
Winkworth, G., McArthur, M., Layton, M., & Thomson, L. (2010). Someone to check in one me: Social capital, social support and vulnerable parents with very young children in the Australian Capital Territory. Child & Family Social Work, 15, 206-215.
Butler, K., McArthur, M., Winkworth, G., Saunders, V., Layton-Thompson, M., Conroy, S., Crowe, R., & Rollins, W. (2009). Getting what we need: Families' experiences of services. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Institute of Child Protection Studies. (2009). Separation and divorce: Researching with Children. Literature Review. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., & McArthur, M. (2009). Who's in our family? An application of the theory of family boundary ambiguity to the experiences of former foster carers. Adoption and Fostering Journal, 33(1) 68-79.
Noble-Carr, D., Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2008). Who Cares? Experiences of young people living with a family member who has an alcohol or other drug issue. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., Bennett, B., & Saunders, V. (2007). What do Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families living in the ACT need in a family support program? Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., & Thompson, L. (2007). Evaluation Framework for 'A family-centred flexible intensive response model': Affirm. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Moore, T., & McArthur, M. (2007). We're all in it together: Supporting young carers and their families in Australia. Health and Social Care in the Community, 15(6), 561-568.
Noble-Carr, D. (2007). The Experiences and Effects of Family Homelessness for Children. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Thomson, L., McArthur, M., Winkworth, G., Saunders, V., & Evans, L. (2007). Evaluation of 'Families Together' Program. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
Winkworth, G., & McArthur, M. (2007). Collaboration and Systems of Support for Vulnerable Children and Their Families: Improving the Interface between Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Interventions. Communities, Children and Families Australia, 3(1), 44-54.
Crowe, R., Coburn, K., McArthur, M., Moore, T., Saunders, V., Thomson, L., & Winkworth, G. (2006). Vulnerable Children and Risk in the ACT. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., & Winkworth, G. (2006). Family Group Conferencing. Scoping Paper. Canberra: Institute of Child Protection Studies, ACU.
McArthur, M., Zubrzycki, J., Rochester, A., & Thomson, L. (2006). 'Dad, Where are we Going to Live Now?' Exploring Fathers' Experiences of Homelessness. Australian Social Work, 59(3), 288-300.
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