
Lead by Evaluation and Qualitative Research Unit at the Social Research Centre. Supported by Professor Daryl Higgins and Ms Jacqui Stewart.


Victorian Government Department of Families, Fairness and Housing


To assess the process, outcomes, and value-for-money of a program (consisting of 12 distinct projects) designed to ensure young Victorians understand affirmative consent.

Project details

In October 2022 the Victorian Government announced the Supporting Young People to Understand Affirmative Consent program. The program is for vulnerable or at-risk young people aged between 12-25 years. It aims to work with young people and/or key influencers (like parents) in out-of-school settings to improve understandings of a new affirmative consent model. Around 13 industry partners are delivering projects within the program (read media release for details).

The program backs the Victorian Government’s recent adoption of an affirmative consent model. These reforms make it clear that everyone has a responsibility to get consent before and while engaging in sexual activity. It forms part of the Victorian Government’s 10-year strategy to ensure that Victorian families and women can live without the threat of violence and abuse: Free from Violence. The strategy was developed in response to the 2016 Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence.

The Social Research Centre, supported by ICPS, is leading an evaluation of the program. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the process, outcomes, and value-for-money of the overarching program. Elements of the evaluation include:

  • assess if the program has achieved the intended objectives and desired outcomes
  • identify the components of the program and projects that were most effective
  • enhance understandings of the impact of the Victorian Government’s investment in the program.

Projected community impact

The evaluation will contribute to the evidence base on affirmative consent education (i.e., how to best support young people and their key influencers to understand affirmative consent). The Victorian Government will use the findings to inform decision making about scaling up (or replicating) effective projects or specific project components.


Get in touch with Jacqui Stewart for more information.

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