At this immersion, you’ll learn from some of Australia’s most prominent theologians, educators and practitioners.
Professor Elaine Wainwright RSM. PhD, MTh, BA (Hons).

Elaine Wainwright is Professor Emerita of the University of Auckland where she established and was Head of the School of Theology/Department of Theology from 2003-2014. She is a New Testament scholar of international renown, and has recently published Habitat, Human and Holy: An Eco-Rhetorical Reading of the Gospel of Matthew in the Earth Bible Series. Elaine is a member of the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea.
TRP Facilitator: Sr Adele Howard RSM. MA Media Arts, MTheol, BTheol, Cert Teaching
Adele Howard is a member of the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea. She is an adviser in communications and works in digital media and visual storytelling, particularly to support organisational change in the not-for-profit community sector.
Adele has become a regular presenter at national and international conferences. Her recent responsibilities have included coordination of the Mercy International Association’s theological reflection process on ‘The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor’ across the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea.
Adele is a PhD Candidate at ACU. Her doctoral work is in the development of a Theology of the natural world in the light of Laudato Si’.
Academic Coordinator: Sr Ann-Maree O’Beirne RSM. M.Div, M.Ed RE, M.Ed PG, GradDip Spiritual Direction, Dip.T
Ann-Maree is a member of the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea. She lives in Bathurst and is currently enrolled in the PhD program at ACU through the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy. Her thesis topic is ‘Graced Encounters of an Ecological Kind: Exploring an Ignatian Motif’, and she is being supervised by Professor Denis Edwards and Professor Dermot Nestor. Ann-Maree has a long association with the Rahamim Ecology Centre, with the community of Bathurst and with ACU.
Practitioner: Ms Sally Neaves MTheol, MAppLing, BA/BTheol, DipEd, GradDip RE
Sally is the Eco-Education Coordinator at Rahamim Ecology Centre, where she integrates environmental education, spirituality and advocacy. Her ministry involves designing earth literacy programs and contemplative place-based practices for reconnection and imaginative action for our times. Her background includes studies in ecological theology, philosophy and spirituality.
Local Presenter: Sr Patricia Powell RSM, OAM. MDiv (Hons), BTheol (Hons) BA, Dip Ed
Sr Patricia Powell is a member of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Her ministry background is in secondary education and adult faith education in the Bathurst Diocese, community development with Aboriginal communities in Central and Western NSW and formation and leadership of the Sisters of Mercy at local and national levels.
Patricia was a founding member of Rahamim Ecological Learning Community in Bathurst, and she has been involved in eco-education, advocacy and spirituality as director and consultant to the Centre. She tells the Universe Story to promote a mutually enhancing relationship between humans and Planet Earth – all its life forms and life support systems.
Local Session Presenter: Professor David Goldney AM PhD, BSc Dip Ed, Dsc (Honoris causa), MEIA, Fellow ISCAST
David Goldney AM is a wildlife ecologist and eco-historian who has lived in the Bathurst area for 47 years. He has written extensively about the ecology of the Central Western Region of NSW in peer reviewed journals as well as communicating with the general public through a wide range of media outlets. He is semi-retired but still an active researcher and writer and is an Adjunct Professor at Charles Sturt University.