06 September 2022
Light catering provided.
Please register to attend by Thursday 1 September 2022, ensuring you include in your response your full name, email address, if you’ll be attending in person or via videolink. Please advise of dietary requirement if you are attending in person.
9.00-9.30 am Coffee
9.30-10.30 (AEST) - Richard Capobianco (Stonehill College, MA). “Heidegger on Heraclitus and the Later Thinking of Being”
10.45-11.45 (AEST) - Marilyn Stendera (Deakin). “Order, Motion, Eternity: Heidegger on Ancient Greek Models of Time”
11.45-12.45 pm (AEST) - Andrew Benjamin (Monash). “What and Where is Human Dasein: Heidegger and Heraclitus DK119”
1.30-2.30 (AEST) - Jeff Malpas (UTas). “Heidegger and Char: Parmenides, Place and the Other Beginning”
2.30-3.30 (AEST) - Richard Colledge (ACU). “Being as archē and apeiron: Heidegger’s Anaximander Retrieval”
We're available 9am–5pm AEDT,
Monday to Friday
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