Together with ACU’s School of Philosophy, the Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry is pleased to invite you to the 2019 ACU Annual Heidegger Seminar and book symposium to be held on June 11 and 12.
11 June 2019
12 June 2019
Room 460.8.57 The Bernard Callinan Boardroom
ACU Melbourne, 250 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
The Australian Heidegger Studies Network events will be held over two days.
Tuesday 11 June, 9 for 9.30am to 5.00pm
The work of 20th century German philosopher, Martin Heidegger, had a profound impact on French thought from the 1930s onwards in various fields, especially in the field of phenomenology, but including also movements such as existentialism, psychoanalysis, and deconstruction, and applications to the philosophy of religion and environmental philosophy. His influence, whether directly or through mediated form, continues to this day. The speakers at this workshop will explore various aspects of this influence, examining the Heideggerian legacy in the work of key contemporary French thinkers.
All speakers will present for 40 minutes followed by 10 minutes discussion.
9.30: Dennis Schmidt (Western Sydney University) Some remarks on Derrida reading Heidegger on action
10.20: Jack Reynolds (Deakin University) Merleau-Ponty and liberal naturalism
11.10: Morning tea
11.30: Claude Romano (ACU/ Sorbonne University) Ricoeur’s reading of Heidegger on ipseity
12.20: Lunch
13.20: Robyn Horner (ACU) Is anxiety fundamental? Lacoste’s reading of Heidegger
14.10: Richard Colledge (ACU) Nancy, Heidegger, ethics, ontology
15.00: Afternoon tea
15.20: Bryan Cooke (University of Melbourne) The other night of the world: enstasis vs ekstasis in Henry's reading of Heidegger
16.10: Justin Clemens (University of Melbourne) Badiou after Heidegger
17.00: Close
Wednesday 12 June, 9 for 9.30am to 12.30pm
Please contact to register attendance for either or both of these events.
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