Unit rationale, description and aim
The ability to integrate theoretical knowledge into clinical practice is integral to the practice of psychology. The practicum unit is designed to provide students with experience in the delivery of psychological services to complement the theoretical learning that takes place in the coursework units. The focus of this practicum is on the development of clinical interviewing, case formulation, treatment planning, delivery of interventions and monitoring client outcomes with clients. Cultural considerations in clinical practice will also be a focus of learning throughout the practicum. Students are encouraged to approach applied problems and skill-based learning from a hypothesis-based assessment perspective consistent with a scientist-practitioner model. Professional ethics and behaviours are an integral part of learning in this unit. The aim of this unit is to facilitate the development of initial psychological practice skills that are required to work effectively with clients.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Describe the professional ethical code and relevan...
Learning Outcome 01
Explain the link between diagnosis, case formulati...
Learning Outcome 02
Implement clinical skills to conduct/observe/parti...
Learning Outcome 03
The Practicum is carried out as a field placement under the supervision of a registered psychologist approved as a Higher Degree Supervisor with the Psychology Board of Australia. While on placement, students will develop the ability to integrate skills and intervention models with real clients. Attendance at weekly supervision involves individual and small group discussion of issues relevant to professional practice such as diagnosis, case formulation, choosing appropriate interventions, ethical dilemmas, record keeping and report writing.
Assessment strategy and rationale
The assessment strategy for this unit allows students to demonstrate their acquisition and clinical application of evidence-based assessment and intervention skills. The written assignment is designed to assess students’ ability to critically evaluate and integrate information gathered during assessment procedures to develop a case formulation and treatment plan consistent with the empirical research literature. If required, students will be given feedback to ensure that the case formulation and treatment plan meets developmental expectations, and the student will be given one further opportunity to resubmit this written assignment within two weeks of the feedback being received. The skills demonstration is designed to assess students’ ability to demonstrate their skills in psychotherapeutic techniques. The client file portfolio is designed to assess students’ ability to maintain appropriate record keeping practices consistent with ethical and professional standards. Students must pass all assessment tasks in order to pass the unit as it is critical that students demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge and skills across these areas prior to working with clients and a failure in any of these tasks is likely to translate to an unacceptable level of risk to clients the student will come into contact with as a practising psychologist.
Overview of assessments
Assessment Task 1 - Practicum Logbook Enables s...
Assessment Task 1 - Practicum Logbook
Enables students to demonstrate competence in professional record keeping practices.
Assessment Task 2 - Case Conference Presentations...
Assessment Task 2 - Case Conference Presentations
Enables students to verbally communicate a concise case formulation in a small group case conference setting.
Assessment Task 3 - Case Conference Reports Enab...
Assessment Task 3 - Case Conference Reports
Enables students to construct and communicate a concise case formulation in a written format.
Assessment Task 4 - Mid-Practicum Review Enables...
Assessment Task 4 - Mid-Practicum Review
Enables students to demonstrate competence in psychological practice relevant to their stage of development.
Assessment Taks 5 - End-Practicum Review Enables...
Assessment Taks 5 - End-Practicum Review
Enables students to demonstrate competence in psychological practice relevant to their stage of development.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
This unit is offered in attendance mode because face-to-face attendance at the field placement is required for this placement-based unit. Teaching and learning strategies include a minimum of 300 hours of supervised fieldwork. There may also be workshops, web-based learning, and reflective/critical thinking activities. Teaching and learning strategies will reflect respect for the individual as an independent learner. Students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning and to participate actively in clinical work and simulated activities. This unit uses an active learning approach to support students to develop psychological practice skills through client-based work. Students are required to attend and participate in individual supervision and facilitated case conferences in order to develop and refine their case formulation skills. Students must complete a minimum of 1 hour of supervision for each 7.5 hours of placement. A minimum of 50% of supervision must be 1:1 supervision with their Board Approved Supervision.