Unit rationale, description and aim
The use of testing and assessment has a long history in psychology, as it allows the accurate measurement of psychological (and non-psychological) constructs. This measurement allows for comparisons between the performance of different individuals , or the performance of the same individual across multiple time points. Psychological assessment has been used in education placements (the identification of special needs or of gifted learners), workplace selection and promotion, career testing, and mental health to name but a few. It is the science of psychometric test development, based on classical testing theories, that allows these psychological fields to prosper and evolve in stable and predictable ways. Thus, the overarching aim of this unit is to train students in methods for the development and refinement of new psychological tests and assessments, and to understand the ethical and cross-cultural considerations when using psychological tests and conducting a psychological assessment.
Learning outcomes
To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.
Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.
Explore the graduate capabilities.
Understand the major issues pertaining to test con...
Learning Outcome 01
Describe the ethical guidelines pertaining to asse...
Learning Outcome 02
Explain the major psychological assessment techniq...
Learning Outcome 03
Relate the properties and applications of a number...
Learning Outcome 04
Apply this knowledge to psychological research usi...
Learning Outcome 05
Topics will include:
- Introduction to psychological testing and assessment
- The history of psychological testing/assessment and how these practices/approaches have influenced current practices
- Research methodologies and data analyses used in test construction and evaluation
- Applications of psychological testing
- Individual differences in cognitive ability, personality and behaviour
- Lifespan development considerations in testing and assessment
- Use of psychological tests in evaluation of mental health and evidenced based interventions
- Ethical and cross-cultural considerations in testing and assessment
- Decolonisation of key theories and tests of intelligence and personality
Assessment strategy and rationale
In order to successfully complete this unit, students must:
- complete and submit all of the assessment tasks listed in the table below
- obtain an aggregate mark of at least 50%
- demonstrate achievement of each learning outcome
To best enable students to demonstrate unit learning outcomes and develop graduate attributes, standards-based assessment is utilised, consistent with University assessment requirements. A range of assessment strategies are used including: a written assessment task assessing student's understanding of ethical and cross-cultural considerations specific to psychological assessment case studies; an APA style Lab Report to demonstrate student's understanding and ability to apply key psychometric concepts (i.e., test reliability and validity); and an exam which provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding, consolidation and application of the content covered in the unit.
Overview of assessments
Assessment Task 1: Analyses of Case Vignettes (10...
Assessment Task 1: Analyses of Case Vignettes (1000 words)
This assignment will require answering short answer questions related to case studies which are designed to assess students' understanding and ability to apply ethical and cross-cultural considerations (particularly in regard to working with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples) when conducting psychological assessments. The ability to understand and apply ethical and cross-cultural considerations are essential in activities involving the application of psychological tests.
Assessment Task 2: Laboratory Report (1500 words)...
Assessment Task 2: Laboratory Report (1500 words)
Students are to submit an APA style laboratory report to demonstrate their ability to discuss and consolidate research literature to develop a new psychometric assessment, to provide a description of the methodology of a study, and to interpret and discuss research findings. Students are to demonstrate their skill in locating and evaluating scholarly research and applying the APA referencing system to written work.
Assessment Task 3: Final Examination (1.5 hours)&...
Assessment Task 3: Final Examination (1.5 hours)
The exam will contain multiple choice and short answer questions. The exam provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding, consolidation and application of the content covered in the unit.
Learning and teaching strategy and rationale
Students have the equivalent of 3 contact hours per week over a 12 week period which involves lectures and tutorials. This mode of delivery is designed to enhance discussion and engagement in the content covered in the unit. The lectures are to aid students with the acquisition and understanding of knowledge while the tutorials are designed to enhance application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of that knowledge. To assist students in their self-directed learning, other learning resources are utilised including: online quizzes and activities; online forums; and lecture recordings.