Unit rationale, description and aim

It is a requirement that all paramedic professionals understand the concepts of professionalisation, governance, contemporary principles of interprofessional learning and interdisciplinary practice, legal precincts, and scope and models of practice underpinning paramedic practice. Such knowledge is essential for paramedics to operate safely within legal and ethical principles and boundaries in a rapidly evolving profession. Changing demographics in paramedic practice and health care delivery in Australia necessitate an understanding of disadvantaged and distinctive population groups.

This unit explores some of the emerging challenges for paramedicine as a health practice discipline with reference to the dynamic nature of this discipline area in contemporary times. It aims to engender in students a deeper understanding of the challenges they may face as paramedics once engaged in practice. Consideration is given to models, scope of practice and governance in the context of changing community needs, culturally safe practice and challenges to the adequacy of the health system in meeting these needs. Students will be encouraged to plan strategies to engage with communities in preparation for community engagement project work in the unit PARA321 Community Engagement and Paramedic Practice Innovations. It will also assist in the student developing content to showcase in PARA329 Transition to Paramedic Practice and Professionalism and further understand the nuances of care in PARA327 Paramedicine in Practice: Complex Care.

The aim of this unit is to assist students to achieve a wide-ranging knowledge of contemporary issues and challenges in paramedic practice including professionalisation, legal precincts, interdisciplinary practice and the assessment and management of specific and disadvantaged populations.  

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HLSC122 Evidence for Practice


PARA212 - Contemporary Challenges in Paramedicine

Learning outcomes

To successfully complete this unit you will be able to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes (LO) detailed in the below table.

Each outcome is informed by a number of graduate capabilities (GC) to ensure your work in this, and every unit, is part of a larger goal of graduating from ACU with the attributes of insight, empathy, imagination and impact.

Explore the graduate capabilities.

Discuss contemporary challenges in paramedicine, i...

Learning Outcome 01

Discuss contemporary challenges in paramedicine, including those associated with responding to the needs of special population groups including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC4, GC5, GC6

Critically evaluate current approaches to a range ...

Learning Outcome 02

Critically evaluate current approaches to a range of issues within the discipline of paramedicine
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC1, GC7

Create innovative proposals aimed at addressing co...

Learning Outcome 03

Create innovative proposals aimed at addressing contemporary practice challenges in paramedicine and advocate for the needs of an identified issue or community group
Relevant Graduate Capabilities: GC6, GC7, GC8


Topics will include:

  • Health promotion and advocacy
  • Professionalisation
  • Technology
  • Scope of practice
  • Models of practice
  • Interprofessional education and interdisciplinary practice and environments
  • Changing demographics
  • Multiculturalism
  • Cultural safety
  • Needs of vulnerable groups
  • Feminisation, casualisation and fractionalisation of work patterns
  • Privatisation and unionisation
  • Environmental changes
  • Legal principles governing practice
  • Divergence from evidence-based practice
  • Populations/ ideology
  • Practitioners 

Assessment strategy and rationale

A range of assessment items consistent with University assessment requirements and policy will be used to ensure students achieve the unit learning outcomes, attain the graduate attributes and the meet professional capabilities required in paramedicine.

PARA314 continues the students transition toward being an independent learner. The debate provides students with the opportunity to examine and articulate key issues and challenges in paramedic practice. The case study engages students with their pending practice environment. The essay evaluates knowledge and understanding critical to the changing demographic of paramedic practice.

These assessments are required to build student knowledge which, by the conclusion of this course, will allow the student to graduate as a safe and effective paramedic.

To pass the unit, students must demonstrate that they have achieved each learning outcome and obtained a total mark of 50% in the unit as the minimum standard.

Overview of assessments

Assessment Task 1: Debate (equivalent 1,000 words...

Assessment Task 1: Debate (equivalent 1,000 words)

This task aims to improve student communication, presentation and collaboration skills whilst concurrently deepening student understanding of the key issues that they are likely to face in their future practice as paramedics



Learning Outcomes LO1, LO2

Assessment Task 2: Case Study (1,500 words) Enab...

Assessment Task 2: Case Study (1,500 words)

Enables students to demonstrate the understanding of key issues and challenges in the delivery of culturally safe health care to disadvantaged and distinctive populations or the changing demographics of paramedic practice.



Learning Outcomes LO2, LO3

Assessment Task 3: Written Assessment Provides ...

Assessment Task 3: Written Assessment

Provides students with the opportunity to identify real-world problems and articulate solutions while supporting development of academic communication and critical thinking skills. 



Learning Outcomes LO1, LO3

Learning and teaching strategy and rationale

Modes of delivery in this unit include tutorials, online activities and self-directed study. Consistent with adult learning principles, the teaching and learning strategies used within these modes of delivery will provide students with advanced knowledge and skills relevant to professional paramedic practice. These strategies will also support students in meeting the aim, learning outcomes and graduate attributes of the unit and the broader course learning outcomes. Learning and teaching strategies will reflect respect for the individual as an independent learner. Students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning and to participate actively with peers.

Located in the second year of the programme, this unit includes some face-to-face teaching hours during which clinical case scenarios and professional case scenarios are used to assist students in linking theory with practice. Tutorials are utilised to convey content and its central principles while computer-assisted learning assists students in applying theory to clinical practice and to build critical reflective skills. The tutorials deliver interactive learning sessions which assist students in applying the theory to clinical practice while also providing an opportunity to consolidate professional knowledge and behaviours. Online materials provide students with the opportunity to manage the significant component of directed, self-motivated study required for graduate practice and life-long learning skills.

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (Second Edition)

In connection to the learning outcomes, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Standards developed in this unit are:

  • Relating to

    Partnering with Consumers Standard

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    Clinicians use the safety and quality systems from the Clinical Governance Standard when:

    a. Implementing policies and procedures for partnering with consumers

    b. Managing risks associated with partnering with consumers

    c. Identifying training requirements for partnering with consumers

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation applies the quality improvement system from the Clinical Governance Standard when:

    a. Monitoring processes for partnering with consumers

    b. Implementing strategies to improve processes for partnering with consumers

    c. Reporting on partnering with consumers

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation uses a charter of rights that is:

    a. Consistent with the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights

    b. Easily accessible for patients, carers, families and consumers

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation ensures that its informed consent processes comply with legislation and best practice

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation has processes to identify:

    a. The capacity of a patient to make decisions about their own care

    b. A substitute decision-maker if a patient does not have the capacity to make decisions for themselves 

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation has processes for clinicians to partner with patients and/or their substitute decision-maker to plan, communicate, set goals, and make decisions about their current and future care

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation supports the workforce to form partnerships with patients and carers so that patients can be actively involved in their own care

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation uses communication mechanisms that are tailored to the diversity of the consumers who use its services and, where relevant, the diversity of the local community

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    Where information for patients, carers, families and consumers about health and health services is developed internally, the organisation involves consumers in its development and review

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation supports clinicians to communicate with patients, carers, families and consumers about health and health care so that:

    a. Information is provided in a way that meets the needs of patients, carers, families and consumers

    b. Information provided is easy to understand and use

    c. The clinical needs of patients are addressed while they are in the health service organisation

    d. Information needs for ongoing care are provided on discharge

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation:

    a. Involves consumers in partnerships in the governance of, and to design, measure and evaluate, health care

    b. Has processes so that the consumers involved in these partnerships reflect the diversity of consumers who use the service or, where relevant, the diversity of the local community

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation provides orientation, support and education to consumers who are partnering in the governance, design, measurement and evaluation of the organisation

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation works in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to meet their healthcare needs

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The health service organisation works in partnership with consumers to incorporate their views and experiences into training and education for the workforce

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

Paramedicine Board of Australia Professional Capabilities for Registered Paramedics

The Paramedicine Board of Australia is responsible for assessing, consulting on and setting the standards for paramedics practicing in Australia. These standards and relevant domains are articulated in the Professional Capabilities for a Registered Paramedic document. The learning outcomes of this unit are matched to the relevant capabilities, in order to align your development with the requirements of a paramedic.  

  • Relating to

    The professional and ethical practitioner

    This domain covers paramedics’ responsibility to be professional and ethical, and to practise with professional autonomy and accountability within the current medico-legal framework. It also addresses their responsibility for ensuring that patient confidentiality and privacy is always maintained, while recognising the potential role as a patient advocate.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3

  • Relating to

    Practise ethically and professionally, consistent with relevant legislation and regulatory requirements

    • Demonstrate understanding of: reporting obligations, legal responsibilities, legal requirements, ethical and professional responsibilities, and the legal and ethical boundaries of paramedicine practice.
    • Manage personal, mental and physical health to ensure fitness to practice.
    • Follow mandatory and voluntary reporting obligations. • Apply the Paramedicine Board of Australia’s Code of conduct to their practice.
    • Provide relevant information to a patient and demonstrate appropriate methods to obtain informed consent.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of Australia’s healthcare systems, their standards and requirements.
    • Demonstrate understanding of the basic principles underpinning bio- ethics in paramedicine practice.
    • Demonstrate culturally safe practice when providing healthcare services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
    • Exercise appropriate levels of autonomy and professional judgement in a variety of practice settings.
    • Operate within the current legislation applicable to paramedicine practice.
    • Practise in accordance with the applicable legislation governing the safe use of scheduled medicines by paramedics in the jurisdiction of practice.

    Legal responsibilities may include an understanding of responsibilities contained in relevant Commonwealth, state and territory legislation and regulations, specific responsibilities to maintain confidentiality, confirm informed consent and exercising duty of care.

    Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about healthcare that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved.

    Principles underpinning bio-ethics must include: respect the rights of the individual, respect the autonomy of the individual, cause no harm, and advance the common good.

    Relevant aspects of the Australian health care systems may include knowledge of service provision arrangements, the structure of the health system, points of access and the range of roles that paramedics may play within that structure.

    Key elements of fitness to practise must include competence, professionalism, including a sense of responsibility and accountability, self-awareness and professional values, sound mental health and the capacity to maintain health and wellbeing for practice.

    Reporting obligations must include making a notification about the health (impairment), conduct or performance of a registered health practitioner that may be placing the public at risk; as well as of their own impairments to practice.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3

  • Relating to

    Provide each patient with an appropriate level of dignity and care

    • Demonstrate understanding of the influence of socio-cultural factors on patient attitudes and behaviour.
    • Display appropriate professional behaviour in patient interactions.
    • Provide culturally safe care for all patients.
    • Identify and respect appropriate boundaries between patients and health professionals.
    • Assess each situation, determine the nature and severity of the problem and apply the required knowledge and experience to provide a response that is in the best interest of the patient/s.
    • Facilitating advance care planning where appropriate.

    Socio-cultural factors may include those related to cultural and linguistic diversity, age, gender, disability, socio-economic, geographic locations; and identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

    Appropriate professional behaviour must include behaviour that:

    • is culturally safe for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients to access safe and responsive healthcare, free of racism
    • respects socio-cultural difference, is empathetic and non-discriminatory, regardless of individuals’ or groups’ race, culture, religion, age, gender identity, sexuality, physical or mental state, and
    • respects, and so far as possible, upholds the rights, dignity, values and autonomy of every patient. This includes their role in the diagnostic and therapeutic process and in maintaining health and well being.

    Cultural Safety is determined by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities. Culturally safe practise is the ongoing critical reflection of health practitioner knowledge, skills, attitudes, practicing behaviours and power differentials in delivering safe, accessible and responsive healthcare free from racism.

    • To ensure culturally safe and respectful practice, health practitioners must:
    • acknowledge colonisation and systemic racism, social, cultural, behavioural and economic factors which affect individual and community health
    • acknowledge and address individual racism, their own biases, assumptions, stereotypes and prejudices and provide care that is holistic, free of bias and racism
    • recognise the importance of self-determined decision- making, partnership and collaboration in healthcare which is driven by the individual, family and community, and
    • foster a safe working environment through leadership to support the rights and dignity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and colleagues.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3

  • Relating to

    Advocate on behalf of the patient, when appropriate in the context of the practitioner’s practice as a paramedic

    • Demonstrate understanding of the principles of patient advocacy and their application to paramedicine practice.
    • Recognise when it may be appropriate to intervene on the patient’s behalf.

    Principles of advocacy may include supporting and promoting the rights and interests of individuals, helping individuals to achieve or maintain their rights and representing their needs.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3

  • Relating to

    The communicator and the collaborator

    This domain covers paramedics’ responsibility to use appropriate, clear and effective communication. It also addresses their responsibility to ensure that they always function effectively with other healthcare team members.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    Collaborate with other health practitioners

    • Establish and maintain effective and respectful collaborative working relationships as a member of a healthcare team.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of professional roles and responsibilities of healthcare team members and other service providers and how they interact with the role of a paramedic.
    • Follow appropriate protocols, procedures and guidelines to give and receive relevant and timely verbal and written communication.
    • Effectively supervise tasks delegated to other healthcare team members.
    • Consult effectively with healthcare team members and other relevant people to facilitate continuity of care.
    • Make appropriate referrals, delegations and handovers to other healthcare team members and other service providers.

    Healthcare team members may include registered health practitioners, accredited health professionals, volunteers, licensed and unlicensed healthcare workers, police, fire and other emergency service personnel.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1

  • Relating to

    The evidence-based practitioner

    This domain covers paramedics’ responsibility to engage in evidence-based practice and to critically monitor their actions through a range of reflective processes. It also addresses their responsibility for identifying, planning and implementing their ongoing professional learning and development needs.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO2, LO3

  • Relating to

    Make informed and reasonable decisions

    • Operate within a framework of making informed, evidence-based, reasonable and professional judgements about their practice, with acting in the best interests of their patients as their primary concern.
    • Make sensible, practical, and culturally safe decisions about their practice, taking account of all relevant information and the best interests of the people who use, or are affected by, the service being provided.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO2, LO3

  • Relating to

    Draw on appropriate knowledge, resources and skills in order to make professional judgements

    • Select or modify approaches to meet the needs of patients, their relatives and carers, reflecting culturally safe practice when practicing.
    • Practise situational awareness to changes in risks or hazards and change their practice as needed to take account of new developments.
    • Using appropriate resources to support professional decision-making.
    • Demonstrate a level of skill in the use of information technology appropriate to their practice. 

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO2, LO3

  • Relating to

    Identify ongoing professional learning, development needs and opportunities

    • Demonstrate an understanding of legal and professional responsibilities to undertake continuing professional development(CPD).
    • Critically reflect on personal strengths and limitations to identify learning and development required to improve and adapt professional practice.
    • Seek input from others to confirm professional learning and development needs.
    • Plan and implement steps to address professional learning and development needs, inclusive of culturally safe practice.
    • Maintain records of involvement in both formal and informal professional learning and development activities.

    Professional learning and development may be provided by the professional community and the broader healthcare network/practice.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO2, LO3

  • Relating to

    The safety and risk management practitioner

    This domain covers paramedics’ responsibility to protect patients and others from harm by managing and responding to the risks inherent in paramedicine practice. It also addresses their responsibility to ensure high-quality professional services are provided for the benefit of patients and others.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO2, LO3

  • Relating to

    Protect and enhance patient safety

    • Follow patient identification procedures to confirm the correct match of a patient with the intended procedure, care and/or treatment.
    • Obtain valid informed consent when possible.
    • Identify and manage risks associated with patient transfers.
    • Ensure when patients are required to be moved it is in a considered and safe manner.
    • Identify and manage the risk of infection, including during aseptic procedures.

    Patient identification procedures for interfacility transfer and handover of a patient consistent with best practice approaches published by bodies such as the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in HealthCare.

    Infection prevention and control risk management: Registered paramedics must demonstrate an understanding of transmission modes of healthcare associated and community-acquired infections (host, agent and environment); established practices for preventing the transmission including effective hand hygiene; and ability to implement NHMRC infection prevention and control guidelines.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO2, LO3

  • Relating to

    Maintain safety of self and others in the work environment 

    • Demonstrate knowledge of legal responsibilities for health and safety of self and others.
    • Identify safety hazards in the workplace and apply knowledge of responsibilities for notification.
    • Use dynamic risk assessment processes.
    • Use appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment.

    Responsibilities for notification of safety hazards may include protocols or instructions, legislation and regulations.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO2, LO3

  • Relating to

    Monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of their practice and modify it accordingly

    • Monitor and evaluate the quality of practice and the value of contributing to the generation of data for quality assurance and improvement programs.
    • Consider feedback from colleagues and critically reflect on their own paramedicine practice.
    • Make reasoned decisions to initiate, continue, modify or cease care or treatment, or the use of techniques or procedures, and record the decisions and reasoning appropriately.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO2, LO3

  • Relating to

    Audit, reflect on and review practice 

    • Demonstrate the principles, application and need for quality control and quality assurance in paramedicine practice.
    • Demonstrate an awareness of the role of audit and review in quality management, including quality control, quality assurance, culturally safe practice and the use of appropriate outcome measures.
    • Maintain an effective audit trail and work towards continual improvement.
    • Participate in quality assurance programs, where appropriate or required.
    • Reflect on practice and the application of such reflection to their future practice.
    • Participate in case conferences and other methods of review.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO2, LO3

  • Relating to

    The paramedicine practitioner

    This domain covers profession-specific knowledge, skills and capabilities required for practice as a registered paramedic

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3

  • Relating to

    Understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge which are specifically relevant to paramedicine practice

    • Understand the structure, function and pathophysiology of the human body, relevant to their practice, together with knowledge of health, human growth and development, disease, disorder and dysfunction.
    • Understand the principles and applications of scientific enquiry, including the evaluation of treatment efficacy and the research process.
    • Understand the theoretical basis of and the variety of approaches to assessment and intervention.
    • Demonstrate an applied knowledge of human anatomy and physiology sufficient to understand the nature and effects of injury or illness and to conduct assessment and observation in order to establish patient management strategies.
    • Understand psychological and social factors, including intergenerational trauma that impact and influence an individual in health and illness.
    • Understand the clinical sciences underpinning paramedic practice, including physiological, pharmacological, behavioural and functional.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3

  • Relating to

    Formulate specific and appropriate patient care and treatment actions

    • Adapt practice to meet the needs of different groups distinguished by, for example, physical, psychological, environmental, cultural or socio-economic factors within their authorised scope of practice.
    • Demonstrate sensitivity to the factors which shape lifestyle that may impact on the individual’s health and affect the interaction between the patient and registered paramedic.
    • Utilise knowledge, reasoning and problem-solving skills to determine appropriate judgements and actions.
    • Prioritise the care provided to optimise safety and health outcomes for the patient and demonstrate a logical and systematic approach to problem-solving in a culturally safe framework.

    Relevant Learning OutcomeLO1, LO3

Representative texts and references

Representative texts and references

Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (2017). National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions. Australian Government. Canberra. Retrieved from http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/content/nsfcc

National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions. (2017). Health.gov.au; Australian Government Department of Health. http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/nsfcc

Bigham, B. L., Kennedy, S. M., Drennan, I., & Morrison, L. J. (2013). Expanding Paramedic Scope of Practice in the Community: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Prehospital Emergency Care, 17(3), 361–372.

Curtis, K., & Ramsden, C. (2016). Emergency and trauma care : for nurses and paramedics (2nd ed.). Elsevier Australia

Fraess-Phillips, A. J. (2016). Can Paramedics Safely Refuse Transport of Non-Urgent Patients? Prehospital and Disaster Medicine31(6), 667–674.

Glover, J., Hetzel, D. & Tennant, S. (2004). The socioeconomic gradient and chronic illness and associated risk factors in Australia. Australia and New Zealand Health Policy 1(8).

Health Workforce Australia (2013) Health LEADS Australia: the Australian Health Leadership Framework. Retrieved from https://www.aims.org.au/documents/item/352

O’Meara, P. (2003). Would a prehospital practitioner model improve patient care in rural Australia? Emergency Medicine Journal20(2), 199–203.

O'Meara, P. F., Furness, S., & Gleeson, R. (2017). Educating Paramedics for the Future: A Holistic Approach. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 40(2), 219-253.

Talbot, L. & Verinder, G. (2018). Promoting health: The primary health care approach (6th ed.). Elsevier Australia.

Credit points

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