Dr. Katherine Krauss

Research Associate
Institute for Religion and Critical Enquiry, Faculty of Theology and Philosophy

Areas of expertise: Latin literature; early Christianity; literary history; exemplarity and canonicity; imperialism and local identity

Email: katherine.krauss@acu.edu.au

Location: ACU Melbourne Campus

I work on cross-cultural exchange and 'classical' reception in later Latin literature. Prior to starting at ACU, I completed postgraduate degrees in Classics from Cambridge University (MPhil) and Oxford University (DPhil). My doctoral thesis, which I am currently turning into a book, explored the connection between social norms and intertextual allusion in Macrobius' Saturnalia, a Latin dialogue from the fifth-century CE. Outside of this work, I have researched how the comparative study of late antique, Jewish, Christian, and 'classical' Greco-Roman literary cultures can help broaden our understanding of intellectual life in the ancient Mediterranean. At ACU, I am excited to be working with the 'Vandal Renaissance' project on discourses of local identity and (anti-)imperialist thought in the Anthologia Latina's Codex Salmasianus, a collection of poetry believed to be compiled in post-Roman north Africa. I hope to expand on these themes in a second book, which will examine the development of anti-imperialist thought in both 'classical' and early Christian texts.

Select publications


  • 2021: 'The late antique afterlife of Roman exemplarity: the case of Scipio Nasica in Livy, Ab urbe condita 29 and Augustine, De civitate Dei 1.30-2.5', Classical Quarterly 71.2, pp. 676-87
  • 2021: 'Heliodorus' Aethiopica: a new Patristic context', Ancient Narrative 18, pp. 95-119


  • 2019: 'Fake intellectuals and books of unquestionable authority in Aulus Gellius's Noctes Atticae and Lucian's aduersus Indoctum' in R. Berardi, N. Bruno, and L. Fizzarotti (eds.) On the Track of the Books: Scribes, Libraries, and Textual Transmission, Berlin 2019, pp. 47-58


  • 2023-present: Research Associate for ARC-funded project "The Vandal Renaissance: Latin Literature in Post-Roman Africa (435-534 CE)"


  • 2018-21: Clarendon Scholarship (Oxford University)


  • 2022: Academic Associate, Pembroke College (Cambridge)

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