Current research

A time for food: The effects of time-restricted feeding on glycemic control and gut microbiome in individuals with type 2 diabetes

Diet modification is a first-line treatment for individuals with type 2 diabetes. Dietary advice is typically given around the types of foods/beverages consumed but rarely around the timing of energy intake.

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Epigenetic control and the circadian clock: Turning back time on diabetes pathogenesis

The aim of this project is to further understand the health promoting effects of exercise in people with type 2 diabetes by determining the interaction between circadian rhythms and the metabolic response to exercise and nutrition. 

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Investigating AMPK energy-sensing mechanisms underlying regulation of metabolism and exercise

This translational research project will help determine how the AMPK pathway can be targeted to maximise the health benefits of exercise and combat the metabolic disease epidemics affecting ageing populations in Australia and worldwide.

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Mapping and interrogating human exercise-regulated tissue and circulating biological networks

This interdisciplinary research project will apply global, unbiased ‘omics-based technologies (e.g. proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics) to map the complexity and interconnection of tissue and circulating networks.

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Interactive effect of manipulations of muscle creatine and glycogen stores on endurance performance

The project will focus on the application of recent knowledge regarding creatine and glycogen loading in sports nutrition.

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The effect of intermittent fasting on integrated muscle protein synthesis rates in overweight, middle-aged men

A sustained energy deficit, achieved through a reduction in energy intake and/or increased energy expenditure, is a prerequisite for the loss of body mass and treatment of obesity.

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An elderly woman smiles on an exercise machine.

Exercise Oncology

The Exercise Oncology team at MMIHR strives to enhance the lives of people with cancer through innovative research and effectively translating research into practice.

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