Researchers from Australian Catholic University (ACU) are currently recruiting 8 – 11 year old children and their parents to participate in a 24-hour time-use study.

The study will take place over an eight-day period. During this time, your child will primarily wear a research-grade activity tracker (similar to a Fitbit device) that will measure their movement and sleep. Additionally, we aim to measure their recreational screen time.

A gold standard at-home sleep assessment will also be conducted on one night of the study. Parents/guardians will be asked to complete a questionnaire and two time-use diaries with their child. There are no associated costs for participants.


Participants will receive a research-grade report comparing their child’s daily time-use to recently released Australian 24-hour movement guidelines in three key health behaviours: screen-use, sleep, and physical activity.

Apply to take part in the study

Parents/guardians of 8 – 11 year old children are needed to participate in the Children's Sleep and Time-Use Study: An Assessment of Children's 24-hour Time-use and Movement Behaviour.

Prior to participation, you will be asked to complete a pre-screening questionnaire to determine eligibility and the prevalence of sleep problems. Children with known sleep disorders will not be eligible.

If you are interested in participating, please enter your contact details below and our research team will be in touch shortly to thoroughly explain what participation in the study will involve and to determine your eligibility.

The logo of the ACU Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research

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Level 5, 215 Spring Street,
Melbourne, VIC, 3000

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